Monday, June 23, 2008

A Great Lewis River Hike

Lewis River Hike, 2008

We had a great hike and 2 night camp out at Bolt Shelter, on the South Fork of the Lewis River. Unexpectedly, the river was in full bank spring snow melt, and very impressive. Madeleine came along at the last minute, Samson tried out his new backpack, and we met Dominic, Kelsie and Ken, who arrived shortly after midnight on Friday night.

We had a great day hike amongst the ancient cedars. Samson readily slept afterwards, of course, on my sleeping bag. The shelter hasn't deteriorated much more, but remains in poor condition. Ken actually set up his hammock under it's roof.

The pot in the fire is one layer of a yellow cake, which became a great two layer cake with chocolate frosting. It turned out very tasty. Sorry, no pictures of myself or of Kelsie and Ken. Kelsie or Don, did you get some?

Got some salmon on the way home, from the Native Americans at Cascade Locks, and had a great barbeque with Mary [Ebacher] and Norman Espridge, Mary of the Indiana Ebacher clan.

Enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Miesha - Stepping Out in Bellingham!

Here's Miesha and her apartment-mate Vanessa, by Miesha's desk in her bedroom.

This the outside of her apartment, 491, apartment 201. Good neighborhood, near bus line and right across the street from Watcom Community College.

Here's their kitchen. Nice.

Here's the view to the outside of the patio. Very secluded off the patio/balcony.

And, about the only bad thing was her mattress didn't quite fit the new bed. Oh bummer.

Great job picking out a wonderful apartment and apartment-mate. "You're gonna make it after all!" Click Here for your new theme song!!!

Mary Tyler Moore - 1973 Theme Song

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smart Car Parking is Fun!

I couldn't resist! Parking the Smart42 in the motorcycle parking at Home Depot! And followed by pictures of the hike Maddie and I took last weekend on the bluff at Cape Horn, on Highway 14, near Stevenson, WA. Nice view of the Columbia River Gorge! It was muddy, but fun.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Join the Campaign

Senator Barack Obama

Dear James,

Join Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton was very gracious in offering her support to my campaign over the weekend. I admire her and her supporters for their hard work, courage, and tenacity. And I'm grateful for everything they've done to build our party.

But the battle ahead of us will be unlike anything we've ever faced, and it's going to demand unprecedented focus and resources.

We need to unite as Democrats, not just to defeat John McCain in the general election, but also to support Democratic candidates at every level of office in every part of the country.

Now is the time to come together and build a movement that will ensure a new kind of politics and a new kind of leadership

Join us today to learn more about the campaign and be part of history:

Democrats are more energized than ever before.

I have seen millions of new voters registering in all 50 states so they can be a part of this party at this historic moment.

I have seen people in unprecedented numbers knocking on doors, making phone calls, and talking to friends and neighbors about the kind of change we're fighting for.

This passion isn't for me or any other candidate. This passion is for change.

People of all ages and backgrounds are ready to restore the fundamental values that unite us as Democrats -- that we owe our children and our great country a better future.

The gains we made in 2006 were a huge step forward, and the leadership of Speaker Pelosi should make all Democrats proud.

In 2008, we have the opportunity to build on this progress, and I'm committed to doing everything I can to elect Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.

But I need your help to make this happen.

Join my campaign, and be a part of this movement to change America:

Friday, June 6, 2008

Obama in '08 - Change We Can Believe In

How can we, as a family, support Barack's election to President of the United States. Chime in! No idea is too crazy. It seems to me our work on this will need to either involve money... always useful to a political campaign, or travel and working for another state democratic organization that needs to turn from purple to BLUE. Let's start thinking and discussing this.



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Neat Mushrooms in Missouri

I was in Springfield, Missouri for a software training, and noticed these cool mushrooms. Cheers!!!