How can we, as a family, support Barack's election to President of the United States. Chime in! No idea is too crazy. It seems to me our work on this will need to either involve money... always useful to a political campaign, or travel and working for another state democratic organization that needs to turn from purple to BLUE. Let's start thinking and discussing this.
IM in for a family campaign trip! We could maybe try to join up with other catholics who identify as democratic to let them know it is okay to be for moral issues and still against the war. Let them know there is a place in this race for the liberal and spiritual together.
I can step? haha...
no but we are all very good writers so maybe we could do something about that. Like a zeine? that could raise money toward the campaign AND spread the word with good pieces of writing. Maddie could do some cartooning even? Who knows. Sold in portland, seattle, the universities we have attended.
What do you think?
I'm willing to go and work.
I want to be a part of the hope, since this might be the last chance in history to really have it.
I think that hope lies with Obama.
This is an ObanaNation.
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