Was your vote wasted on Barack Obama? What has he accomplished in a year?
> The Stimulus Package,
> Tax reductions for 95% of Americans.
> Elimination of the F-22 Fighter program saving millions,
> Sonia Sotamayor,
> Lilly Leadbetter Fair Pay Act,
> Expansion of SCHIP to cover 4 million children,
> Public Lands bill - 2 million more acres of protected wilderness,
> Credit card reform,
> Comprehensive ban on lobbyists in government,
> Regulation of tobacco by the FDA,
> Stem cell research,
> Expansion of Americorp national service programs.
In addition there are accomplishments on the world stage; The Cairo speech, not turning over Afghanistan to the Taliban, strengthening of the Department of State , renewed engagement throughout the world, leadership in world climate change, ban on torture, organized and effective response to H1N1 and Haiti disasters.
I also voted for Obama, and I'm proud of these accomplishments and they are significant. I don't regret my vote. Of course, it's not enough.
I'm impatient for passage of health insurance reform, closure of Gimo, reregulation of banking, end Iraq and Afghanistan wars, end to Don't Ask - Don't Tell, passage of Card Check, and Carbon cap and trade.
I'm disappointed by continued corporate influence, the deal with insurance companies, post-Bush bailouts, support for "Clean Coal", lack of transparency, senseless "bipartisan" compromises and rhetoric over action.
Do I wish I had voted for McCain - Palin? Nope. Not for a minute. The "Hopey - Changy Thing?" Hey, it's a start.