Monday, July 20, 2009

Garden Update

This picture shows the monster corn we have. I no longer can reach to the top of the plants. They are putting on ears of corn now. Maybe ready in a couple of weeks or less.

And some of today's brief picking.
This shot compares to the others from around the same angle. Note the squash monster has taken over a quarter of the garden, and the peas are about done. Thanks Diana for picking peas.

And this shot is to prove to Dom that the squash plant did have a shoot that was as thick as my wrist.

Ebacher Family Reunion

Pictures from the weekend in Minnesota. Pat and I drove.

Monday, July 13, 2009

And the beet goes on.... And the beet goes on...

The garden is producing well for us. You can use this picture to compare to the prior ones from about the same angle. Since this we did the first harvest of peas, and weeded the buggers. Also green and yellow beans and an initial installment of carrots. The peas were frozen, and the beans and carrots are canned. What a weekend. You can see in the picture towards the back that the corn is now fully tasselled, and the potatoes are, well, huge. In the last picture you can see the beets I just picked. There's about another crop that size if the one's that were left behind will just grow now. I'm becoming a big believer in thinning when the plants initially come up, especially beets and carrots.

Peas, beans, beets and carrots will continue to produce over the next month. Then the corn will be in. The squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and finally potatoes and pumpkins. We are going to need a lot of canning jars.

I wish I had a new picture of Pat's hair as it comes in. It's salt and pepper and soft like a baby. Now about 3/4 inch long. It' s looking pretty good too.

Olie said to Lena... "Hey Lena, I've been taking this Vigaro because the doctor said it would make me more potent." Lena says.. "Oh Olie, not Vigaro. Vigaro is a plant fertilizer. You're not supposed to take that. You are thinking about Viagra." Olie says, "Oh my, that might explain the berries!" [Courtesy of Garrison Keillor]

See the beets. You thought they were apples, didn't you.

Peas, yummy.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Kelsie sent this picture, and I must say that I really love it to pieces. Nice picture you guys.

Thanks for all the good wishes on our 32nd anniversay today, from everyone. I wish you were all here today with us to celebrate together. Pictures, Skype and cell phones will have to suffice.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Calling on all Ebachers to check this out....

As a fellow Ebacher, a fellow Catholic, and a fellow North American and member of the human race, I am very proud of the work of my father's cousin, the Arch Bishop of Gatineau, Ontario, Msg. Roger Ebacher, as seen in this video link. I would encourage the whole family to view it. I wish US Catholics were as liberal minded.