Sunday, December 28, 2008

End of Year Post in Pictures

Our Trip to MN in September. Left a few Obama signs around the State. This is Joey Novacek, in Greenbush, MN.

Bean, Maddie's little puppy, asleep at the wood stove.

Tom and Jan, Jason, Jennie, Tasita and Martin, on our visit during the MN trip.

We had an excellent Blueberry crop in the summer.

Mara was with us in June, while she did practical clinic experiences in our area.

The improved lean-to to shelter the firewood on the back porch. It was later distroyed and torn down in December following 50 mile per hour winds.

Maddie and Jennie Kawachi at Christmastime. Jennie is our long time family sort-of-adopted daughter (Miesha's age).

On the visit to MN, in my Mom's backyard.

Also on the MN Trip, Pat's sisters, Vickie and Kathy, and their husbands, Jim Simon and Ronnie Pinski.

Our gay brother boxers. Bacio and Samson. This picture inspired me to think about the concept that the opposite of war is community [not peace, as most people believe]. Peace is a byproduct of community.

Dom and Kelsie on our Eagle Creek, OR hike, November, 2008, at Punchbowl falls.

A picture, upstream at Punchbowl Falls.

Miesha and I shoveling snow, after our 1 foot plus snowfall for Christmas.

A little video of our unbelievable white Christmas in Camas!